Sponsor: Susan Khoobiar and Paris Tiraieyari Room 1554
Instagram: decatmhs
DECA is a local and national organization that offers students the opportunity to develop leadership and business skills associated with career/job preparation and workplace competencies.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
DECA enhances the co-curricular education of members through a comprehensive learning program that integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition.
DECA's activities assist in the development of academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders.
But most of all ... DECA is FUN !!!!!
Participation in DECA is strongly advised to get the most out of the Business and Industry Pathway!
Visit our Schoology Group to see what's happening this year at TMHS DECA.